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Watch this video and more on Tom Monson Productions

Up Next in Drug-Free Living Video Library

  • Crank County

    A comprehensive look at Crank (also called Methamphetamine or Meth) that describes what it does to people and the environment. Compelling interviews and stories from law enforcement, emergency medical workers, and former users dramatically illustrate the lethal potential of this drug. The program...

  • K2-Spice, A Nightmare Without End

    K2 - Spice, A Nightmare Without End tells four true stories of four teens who used synthetic marijuana and the consequences.

    Each story shows how it changed the life of the user and their family.

    Each story emphasizes an important point about drug abuse.

    Research shows that the most effecti...

  • Kickin Butts

    Want to stop smoking? This movie is both entertaining and educational as it follows Dianne as she fights to free herself from an addiction that holds her captive.

    Her family, medical experts, and former smokers all share tips and information to increase the chances of success.

    This program ha...